
Bike-MS LA – Coast Challenge – Report

MS LA Coastal Challenge – May 14-15

Operations Report

MARC assisted with this MS event for the 3rd time in recent years.  Previously the event was based at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.   For this event MARC provided 4 motorcycles and one SAG.  In addition we recruited 4 hams from other organizations to provide radio operators in SAG vehicles provided by MS.  We also were joined by 4 independent motorcycles who indicated they had supported this event in the past.

We coordinated with MS personnel and participated in a pre-event online meeting to work out who would be doing what.   Along the way many ham radio organizations were contacted to recruit hams to assist with radio communications.  Ultimately 2 operators joined MARC from the LAFD ACS organization and 2 who are members of the PAPA System.

Prior to the event Michael Rickey, AF6AB, got approval from the PAPA System to use several repeaters from that system.  This would prove valuable because these repeaters are linked which would allow Net Control to only need access to one repeater, while operators on the course would use whichever repeater provided the best contact depending on their location on the course.  Michael also got approval to isolate the selected repeaters from the rest of the PAPA system during the event.   This setup proved very valuable in allowing good communications without outside traffic.

Mark Kanzler, KE6ZRP, and John Beckwith, N6JCB, pre-rode most of the 100 mile course for Day 1, and most of the 50 mile course from Day 2.  With the assistance of Michael Rickey, they were able to identify which repeaters would provide the best coverage during the event.  They identified 2 repeaters in particular that would provide coverage for most of the 2 days.  They also identified a few areas where coverage would be weak or non-existent.  They also observed to some degree cell coverage over the course areas.

MS advised MARC that there was another group of motorcycles that wanted to assist in the event and had done so in the past.  These riders were not associated with any specific group – and did not have radios. (Though, it turned out one was a ham and had a radio on the day of the event – but is apparently not an active ham and did not use his radio during the event?) 

On Saturday, May 14th, Mark, John, John Kristian, W6JMK (who came down from the Bay Area) and John Edwards, KC6ZOZ met at the start area in Santa Monica, near the airport.  They were joined by the 2 ACS members who would be riding with the MS SAG vehicles.   MS provided a total of 3 SAG vehicles.   They were joined by the 4 additional motorcycles.   Additionally, Scott Farthing, K6IXQ, joined the course at Rest Stop 1.  

Net Control was manned by Michael and Jim Banks, KD6REA.  They were setup in a tent at the start/finish area provided by MS and were assisted by two MS people assigned to Net Control.  This was particularly valuable as it allowed the MS folks to handle the Cell Phone calls while Michael and Jim manned the radios.  This provided excellent coordination between the various groups involved in supporting the event.

The 4 MARC motorcycles, one MS SAG and Scott proceeded on the 105 mile course that would leave Santa Monica, proceed on Pacific Coast Highway to Malibu Canyon where they went up the canyon to Mulholland, over to the Agoura area, then back over Kanan Road to PCH.   From there to Ventura, ultimately ending at the finish line at San Buenaventura Beach.   The other non-ham motorcycles and the other 2 SAG’s followed the 62 mile course which stayed on PCH from Santa Monica to the finish line.  Additionally, there was a 30 mile course run entirely in the Ventura area and was supported only by MS vehicles.

On Sunday the MARC motorcycles, MARC SAG (Scott), three of the additional motorcycles and 1 MS SAG followed the 50 mile course – west to Rincon Point, up Highway 150 to Ojai then back down to the finish line at the Beach.  Again, there was a 30 mile course that was not supported by MARC.  This course also went to Rincon Point but then just retraced that route back to the finish line.

As indicated, there were a few areas that had poor repeater coverage, but overall comms held up well throughout the two days.  Several bicycles were assisted, and a few were SAG’d to the next rest stop or the finish line.  There was a total of about 450 bicycles on this event.  While no count was taken it appeared about 200 were on the 62 mile course and about 30 on the 105 mile course on Day 1.  Likewise about 30 participated in the 50 mile course on Day 2.

One of the challenges, particularly on Day 2, was significant use of bike trails.  On Day 1, shortly after leaving the start in Santa Monica, the bicycles entered the bike path on the Santa Monica beach and continued that all the way to Temescal canyon.  They were picked up there by the motors and SAG’s.   On Day 2, the bicycles were on and off the bike path to Rincon Point to Rest Stop 1.  Then, the riders on the 50 mile were on and off the bike trails in Ojai while approaching and departing Rest Stop 3.  Ultimately they were on the bike trail all the way down to Ventura – which pretty much eliminated any support from Motors or SAG’s.

Overall – all seemed to go well and initial comments by the MS personnel indicated they were happy to have MARC participation – and would look forward to using MARC again in the future LA events.  Next up is the Bike MS: Bay to Bay – October 15 & 16, 2022.

Respectfully submitted,

John Beckwith, N6JCB

Member Spotlights

We currently have members all over the country and outside the US. The organization was founded in Southern California but we have, or have had, members in all the following places:

Arkansas; Arizona; California; Florida; Georgia; Hawaii; Indiana; Illinois; Maryland; Massachussets; Minnesota; Mississippi; Nebraska; Nevada; New York; Ohio; Oklahoma; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Texas; Utah; Washington; Alberta, Canada; Quebec, Canada; England; Beirut, Lebanon.

Currently we have active members in 14 states and Canada.

Member Spotlights:

ICOM IC-2730A on a Kawasaki Concours – KG5GIV

I have been a Motorcycle Marshal for the Houston MS-150 for four years now. And one of the requirements to accomplish this mission is to become a Licensed HAM Radio Operator and carry a HAM Radio with you during the rides.

As I saw during my training rides several Marshals struggling with their portable rig, and following the example of several other Marshals, I decided to install an ICOM IC-2730A on my bike at that time, a Yamaha FZ1, allowing me to have 50 Watts on transmission and an always visible (and of decent size) radio dashboard.

But because of the limited place I had on the bike (compared to a Gold Wing), I wanted to have the radio connected wirelessly to my SENA S20, so I bought a SENA SR-10, which is exactly made for that use.

That’s where my “problems” started. I then realized that, because the connection on the 2730 are made through a RJ45 socket there is no “cable” that would allow the connection between the Radio and the SR-10.

Since I did a little bit of “electronics”, as a hobby, when I was a kid (read I can make a decent soldering job between two wires), I decided to create my own connection box. And after several tries and mistakes, including destroying the circuitry of a SR-10, I came with that (monster) box, with cables connected together with zip-ties and shrinkable wrap to try to get them together despite vibrations…

That solution proved to be unreliable most of the time with bad connections or not working at all…

I tried other solutions, including the add-on of the UT-133 Bluetooth card in the ICOM, but that came with other issues. Most importantly the fact that once the Radio was turned on, the SENA S20 would become dedicated to that input only (no more Music, intercom, GPS instructions, …)

So, I continued my search for the “grail”, a cable that would allow the connection between the two units, without success, until I stumbled on the write-up of our own MARC’s John Kristian “Install: Icom IC-2730 on a Victory Vegas”. John had exactly the same equipment I own and was able to achieve the goal I was going for in a very elegant homemade solution (see his write up here: (Ed. – Here’s the schematic.)

I let it sink in as I was still looking, in parallel, to a more “manufactured” solution, even if it would come at the cost of changing my equipment all together.

Fast forward until couple of weeks ago, I finally decided to let go the FZ1 and bought a friend’s Kawasaki Concours to give me more “room to breathe” with it comes to equipment and things to be carried on during the MS Rides.

As I needed to transfer everything from one bike to another, I decided that, this time, it would be setup exactly the way I wanted it to work, and remembering John’s solution, I decided to contact him and ask if he would build another adapter for me to resolve my on-going issue. He gladly accepted and I’d like to thank him, again, for helping me with this project.

I received the adapter on Friday, installed it and “hallelujah”… Everything works exactly has I expected! Thanks again John!

Should you have any question about my installation, please feel free to contact me @

 Should you have any question about my installation, please feel free to contact me @

From the President’s Desk (2019-Feb)

It’s February 2019. Now I have to learn to use 2019 for the date.

With the start of winter just a few days ago, it seems that most of the USA has been quite cold, if not covered with ice and snow, both not very conducive to a motorcycle ride. Even Tim, AB0TS, in the Great White North, has found a warm spot to park his BMW for a few weeks. Thankfully, here in Southern California we still get a warm day (read not too cold) now and then and I am able to get the Blew By U out for a short ride, thus preventing a dose of cabin fever. If you are able to get out for a ride or drive, please, be careful riding or driving. This time of year can be extra hazardous. On the 28th of January, I rode to the Riverside National Cemetery where I met several members of the Patriot Guard. We were there to honor Noe Esplinoda, the father of ShEron, KC6ZSH. The Patriot Guard escorted this WWII hero to his last resting place and attended his internment services.

All of MARC needs to thank Scott, K6IXQ, Bill, N6WBD, Ginger, KM6MIG, and Jim, KD6REA. They attended Quartzfest, near Quartsite AZ, and represented MARC. They displayed our large MARC banner and told hams at the meeting about MARC.

Mijo and I send our best wishes to Ray, KD6FHN, and Bonnie, KD6OFQ. Ray had to have another spot of cancer removed from his scalp in December and has been recovering with Bonnie’s help. We can all pray for a swift and complete recovery.

Our next MARC net will be on 6 February 2019 at 7:30 PM on 2 meters, 145.440 – 136.5. This is Burt’s Sunset Ridge repeater. The February MARC meeting will be at Marie Callender’s on 9 February 2019, breakfast at 8AM and the meeting at 9. Mijo and I hope to see you there.

John F. Reynolds
President MARC

From The President’s Desk (2019-Jan)

Happy New Year! Now I have to learn to use 2019 for the date. I shall start by congratulating our Christmas meeting winners, Alvin, KD6UZM, won the dual band radio, Michael, AF6FB, won the dual needle watt meter/SWR bridge and Alvin also won the 30 amp power supply. The meeting was not without some problems. We were to meet at the Katella Grill in Anaheim. When we arrived, we were faced with no place to gather. Another radio club had booked the meeting room for the same date and they were already there having breakfast. It was suggested that we try the Marie Callender’s restaurant just down the street to the east. I asked Michael, AF6FB, if he would give them a call and ask if we were welcome on short notice. To my relief, the manager said that we would be welcome and could use their meeting area. We, MARC, were welcomed with open arms. The meeting went well and our Christmas party was a success. I have taken the liberty of reserving the meeting room at this Marie Callender’s restaurant for both our January and February meetings. The address is 307 E. Katella, Orange CA. 92867.

With the true start of winter just a few days ago, it seems that most of the USA has been quite cold, if not covered with ice and snow. Both not very conducive to a motorcycle ride. Even Tim, AB0TS, in the Great White North, has found a warm spot to park his BMW for a few weeks. Thankfully, here in Southern California we still get a warm day (read not too cold) now and then and I am able to get the Blew By U out for a short ride thus preventing a dose of cabin fever. If you are able to get out for a ride or drive, please, be careful riding or driving. This time of year can be extra hazardous.

Mijo and I send our best wishes to Ray, KD6FHN, and Bonnie, KD6OFQ. Ray had to have another spot of cancer removed from his scalp in December and has been recovering with Bonnie’s help. We can all pray for a swift and complete recovery.

Our next MARC net will be on 9 January 2019 at 7:30 PM on 2 meters, 145.440 – 136.5. This is Burt’s Sunset Ridge repeater. The January MARC meeting will be at Marie Callender’s on 12 January 2019, breakfast at 8AM and the meeting at 9. Mijo and I hope to see you there.

John F. Reynolds
President MARC

Quartzfest 2019

Quartzfest 2019 was a huge success. Over 1100 people attended the 7-day event. I rented an RV and parked next to Steve K6UFX (President) of the WIN-System. I put the MARC banner on one of our Easy-Ups. We served over 65 gallons of free coffee over the week, all provided by the WIN-System. The coffee attracted people at all times, sunrise to way into the night, every day. We brought the side-by-side off-road vehicle. This was a lot of fun, gave a lot of hair-raising off-road rides including Suzzy, Gordo’s wife. Only had to stop for one rider to lose their lunch. My job was complete.

On Friday, Gordo came to the MARC tent asking if he could use our Easy-Ups, chairs and tables for people that signed up for testing. Gordo said that his easy-up’s had blown away in 30 MPH winds the day before (Probably down around Yuma by then). I said sure not a problem. At the time of testing thirty-eight people showed up for testing. We had an issue of not enough easy-ups, tables, or chairs. We moved the coffee pots and got more tables and chairs. We took up so much space that we had to move some out into the road. We were positioned right next to the registration table…huge exposure for the MARC group. I gave out 25 cards to serious people as I had a limited supply. For Yuma we are planning on a brochure to hand out to those that are interested. Next year it would be a big help if there were people to help man the booth. Four to six people would be a big help.

Scott Farthing K6IXQ
Vise President
MARC ride coordinator Tour de OC